AZARAM | 28 Ways to Fight Boredom

20 Ways To Fight Boredom At Home

As someone who’s been working from home the last two months, I’ve learned to really appreciate how much I can accomplish during the solo time. Some days I reflect back on working in a corporate office, and I’m still applying to full-time jobs left and right, but I feel SO much more productive at home! But what do I do when I’m not working and still sitting at home? Don’t I get bored?

Truth be told, I don’t believe in boredom. I think it’s such a waste of time and life is too short to spend wallowing around bored. So years ago I made a promise to myself to never let myself be bored. Since then, I’ve either spent my time being productive or being grateful and enjoying all the little moments.

There is definitely a lot of uncertainty in all our hearts with the current COVID-19 situation. I appreciate seeing almost everyone being socially responsible and self-quarantined trying to help contain the virus. Since we are all currently inside, I’m sharing my personal list of 20 ways I fight boredom at home! I’ve split the list into two categories: productive and wellness. Be sure to also check out my post from a few weeks ago on my tips for being productive AF working from home too!


Empty Your Inbox

And while you’re at it, unsubscribe from all those pesky mailing lists! This seems like such a daunting task, but really what better time than now?

Wash Your Makeup Brushes

You should be doing this regularly anyways, but in case you forgot to this week, here is your reminder! Clean brushes = clear skin.

Clean Out Your Closet

Check out all my tips for curating the perfect conscious closet HERE!

Update Your Resume

If you’re in between full-time jobs like I currently am, or looking for a switch in the career game, now is a great time to perfect that resume. Want to make yours stand out? Etsy has tons of fun, but professional templates you can purchase and customize.

Develop Your Morning Routine

A morning routine is a MUST for productivity. It’s helped me stay on track, focused, and feel accomplished even if I spend the rest of the day cuddled up on my couch with Netflix. You can check out my entire morning routine in this video.

Create Care Packs

Before I moved into the city I would create care packs to keep in my car and hand out to homeless people. Purchase travel size necessities like toothbrushes and toothpaste, tissues, small water bottles, socks, and granola bars, write a positive note, and pack them all in a biodegradable zip-loc. It’s harder for me to carry them around now without having a car, but I do still make them as donations to shelters.

Cook or Bake

And while you’re at it, meal prep! I plan all my weekly meals in advance and buy exactly what I need at the grocery store. It helps me make sure I don’t waste food and has proven to save me money! When I have a meal to look forward to cooking it helps fight those nights I’m hungry, open the fridge, and order take out out of laziness. But trying out new recipes is one of my favorite activities, and I’ve made it a new goal to add more recipes on the blog soon!

Learn About The UN Sustainable Development Goals

What’s an issue you care about? Clean oceans? Climate change? Gender equality? Girl’s education? All of these are part of the United Nations SDGs, an 17-goal initiative to solve all the world’s most threatening global issues by 2030. Learn more by joining my side hustle mailing list and the brands I work with helping to achieve the goals.

Work On Your Side Hustle

Start that blog, launch that business, write that book, begin that podcast… work on your dreams, goals, and passions and don’t stop until you succeed. I came across this quote scrolling through Instagram yesterday: “Instead of worrying about what you cannot control, shift your energy to what you can create.” I’m not sure who to attribute it to, but it really inspired me to get back to blogging (& writing this post!) during the difficult time we are collectively facing.



Feeling bored? Get moving! Release all the happy endorphins and bask in the feeling of accomplishment. My favorite workout is boxing, but since I’m in self-isolation and my gym is closed, I’m turning to YouTube and apps! Some of my favorite workout apps are Asana Rebel for yoga and SWEAT by Kayla Itsines. Don’t forget to step outside (don’t go anywhere, just step into your backyard or stand on your front porch away from people) for a couple minutes just to breathe in fresh air.


There is no greater escape in life than getting lost in a good book. I’ve seen tons of book club communities popping up all over Instagram during COVID-19 quarantine! Find one to join or hit up your friends and start your own!


Writing is so therapeutic and has proven to eliminate stress, help with communication, and help gain clarity. It’s a safe, easy way to vent out frustrations or manifest ideas. In fact, writing this post has been extremely calming for me today. 🙂

Light Candles

This is one of my favorites. Nothing makes me feel better than lighting candles at home. I could do nothing for the rest of the day, but having candles lit instantly calms me down and puts me in a better mood. They create a soothing ambience that tricks your brain into relaxation and investing in candles with essential oils helps alleviate stress.

Create A Vision Board

Gather up all the old magazines laying around your house and create a vision board. Make quadrants for different parts of your life like career, health/fitness, relationships, and personal growth. Cut out images and start collaging. Having a visual representation every day will help you stay focused on your goals, even if it’s subconscious. Make notes on the back when you accomplish things throughout the year.

Listen To Podcasts

Podcasts are such a great alternative for background noise when you can’t take the TV/news anymore. I loveee true crime podcasts like Sword & Scale, but also enjoy inspirational business focused one and the classic This American Life.


DUH! Sometimes we all need that binge day to decompress where we get lost in a quality series. I have so many shows queued up I need to catch up on, but a few favorites include Dexter, Breaking Bad, The Office, and Schitt’s Creek. On Amazon I love Mrs. Maisel and just finished binge watching Hunters. Still wrapping my head around that one—I highly recommend it!

Pamper Yourself

Take a bath, paint your nails, do a face mask, deep condition your hair, exfoliate your skin, moisturize from head to tow, and drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. Spoil yourself because you deserve it!

Take A Nap

Sometimes we feel bored because our bodies and minds are too exhausted for anything else. The best cure is to cuddle under your sheets, put your phone on do not disturb, and take a nap. Sweet dreams!


An essential part of my morning routine, meditation is proven to improve brain function, increase attention span, help with breathing, which boosts immunity and metabolism, and generally makes you happy. Meditation is also my praying time and when I do my number one daily ritual, which brings me to…

Practice Gratitude

I can never put into words how much my life changed once I began implementing this into my daily life. Why be bored when you can be appreciative? You are reading this right now. Be thankful for opening your eyes another day to do so. You are breathing right now. Be grateful that you can when so many cannot freely do so. Be appreciative for feeling the sun on your skin, for hearing the everyday sounds around you. Be thankful for having the CHOICE to do what you like to do, not what you have to do to survive. Look up into the sky and smile at how blessed you are, because you are.
