What I’m Grateful For Heading Into this Holiday Season
How are we already halfway through October?! This year has been a complete whirlwind for me. It started off pretty badly, as I was in the midst of one of the most horrific depressive episodes beginning of the year. Now, it’s ending with exciting opportunities for EnVi, a healthy romantic relationship, and new found confidence. In the spirit of the holidays approaching, I want to take a few minutes to reflect on what I’m feeling most grateful for.
My Puppy
I think I mentioned this in my summer recap, but I truly didn’t know it was possible to love a pet so much. Lady has taught me so much about unconditional love, and even on my darkest days, she peps me up.
Things have really taken an exciting turn for EnVi since the spring. We had an amazing cover shoot with K-pop group CIX, we hosted an event with P-pop group SB19 in Times Square, and we just hosted a fan event with girl group TripleS! On top of that, there is a MAJOR announcement coming in the coming weeks. I can’t say what quite yet, but definitely stay tuned!
My New Found Confidence
The world is falling apart with injustice, and like most, my mental health fluctuates regularly. But something I found this year was my self confidence. A large part of this is because of who I’ve chosen to surround myself with and closed off my social circle to people who are all about encouraging each other. Being selective with who I spend time with has been a game changer.
My Boyfriend
I know, I know… this is cheesy and a bit left field for me, but it’s the truth! Never in a million years did I think I would become one of the girlies fawning over her significant other like this. But I am so grateful to have met the most wonderful, loving, and uplifting man I get to call my partner this past year. I don’t like to publicize my relationship too much, but I will share that I’m very happily in love. 🙂